My name is Sarah Linde (aka Tianen L.). I have been a Christian for a long time, ever since I was a child. And I can tell you God has always been faithful.
When I was baptized about thirteen years old, God told me that in order to be His true follower I need to be faithful to Him and whatever He tells me to do, I should do.
God taught me over the years many things from His word. I ask Him questions and He answers me. He also gives me joy like I’ve never known joy before.
For example, even though I have not always obeyed God and was even ignoring Him for a while to indulge in forbidden pleasures, one day in an elevator, God wanted to pull me back to Him. I could feel angels surround me in the elevator and they said: “Why are you sinning and doing these things that displease God? See what you will be missing out on if you continue this way.” As they said this, the elevator moved up and a great joy like I’ve never felt before came over me. The joy was so exceedingly great and enjoyable, I knew it came from God. He was warning me to not continue to sin and thereby miss out on the heavenly joy that awaits me.
It took several attempts to get me out of the addictive sin I had. The next time, God gave me a dream. In the dream, I was lounging around a swimming pool doing nothing. Then I saw Jesus come over to look at me from a distance. After one look, He left without saying a word. I put on my slippers and a shirt over my swimsuit to run after Jesus. I called after Him and thought I had lost Him in a crowd of people. But He turned around and waited. When I caught up to Him, I wanted to shake His hand and leave. But He looked at me with piercing eyes. From that look, I knew He could see straight through me. I knew He saw some things that were not good.
Even so, I didn’t want to miss the chance of shaking His hand. I thought of this encounter as something like meeting a pop star — to shake His hand and get a signature or something like that. But He hid His hand. I thought it was really weird. Both His hands went behind His back or something. I tried to find His hand in the folds of His robe, but I didn’t want to be rude to search too much. I thought He was too disappointed in me to want to shake my hand. But Jesus suddenly reached out and wrapped His arm around me, and hugged me to Himself (kind of like a side hug). And without letting me leave or saying anything, He drew me next to Himself and we started walking like that with His arm around my shoulders. Then I rested my head on His shoulder and we walked on like that in the dream.
I thought to myself, if being with God is like this, I can go anywhere with You, Lord. Then the dream ended.
You’d think by then, I would have been following God very carefully. I was already working by then. But I still occasionally fell into that bad addictive sin.
So the third time, God did something drastic. One day, I was with some friends but I suddenly felt piercing pain in my abdomen. I was doubling over in pain. God said if I stayed with my friends that day I would die from the attack that suddenly came over me. So I rushed home, driving home in exceedingly great pain. It felt like my abdomen was being pierced through over and over again. I realized I was having a spiritual attack.
I cried out to God to help me. But the Lord repeated over and over: “How can My servant, whom I love, do such things?”.
There was no relief from the incredible pain until I got home. When I got home, I repented and lay down. Then He healed me. God warned me that my spiritual enemies had the right to attack me because of my sins. In order to overcome them, I had to follow God without turning to the right or to the left, trust Him with all my heart, and be filled with the Holy Spirit.
So from then on, I stopped the addictive sin and try to follow God without turning to the right or left. I’m working on trusting Him with all my heart and He is filling me with His Holy Spirit.
There are so many things He does, too many to count, on a daily basis. But these are some of the things I wanted to share on this website so you’d know a little more about me.